We are pleased to announce the launch of our public presale on 28 February 5PM UTC, 2021.
We decided to organize the presale of BSCT Token on Bounce Finance.
Details about our presale will be updated on all social media platforms . (Name of the Pool, Pool ID)
The BSCToolz public presale would run from February 28, 2021 at 5PM UTC to March 02, 2021 at 5PM UTC.
The price per token during the presale is ~ 0.0004 BNB per token, 2,300 tokens/BNB*. During this period a limited amount of 5,750,000 BSCT tokens are available.
Token allocation comes at a “first come, first serve” basis.
The following is official BSCT BEP-20 contract address : 0xD6e346cc52623E59205030055aA74ABFEf7FE7Fe
As listed on bsctoolz.io
BSCT Token
BSCT has several big use cases that make it will have a huge interest for all players on the crypto market.
BSCT is build in a way that allows you easy to do analyses in real-time. You can use for free some features like Pool explorer, Pair explorer, Bigswap explorer, Multiswap windows and many more. Of course, you can do an upgrade from your free plan to Standard (minimum 20,000 BSC to hold) or Premium (minimum 40,000 BSC to hold) plan to acces more features.
BSCT Metrics
- Ticker : BSCT
- Platform: BEP-20
- Total token supply: 14,000,000 BSCT
- Presale: 5,750,000 BSCT
- Holders Incentives: 3,500,000 BSCT (Unlocked gradualy)
- Marketing and Bounties: 250,000 BSCT
- Ecosystem Growth: 2,000,000 BSCT (Locked)
- Reserve: 500,000 BSCT (Locked)
- BSCT Presale price: 1 BNB = 2300 BSCT
- PancakeSwap Liquidity BSCT: 2,000,000 BSCT
- PancakeSwap Liquidity BNB: 1000 BNB
- PancakeSwap Listing Price: 1 BNB = 2000 BSCT
- Soft cap: 1000 BNB
- Hard cap: 2500 BNB
- Liquidity Locked: via CryptEX
- Unsold tokens will be burned.
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About us
Website: https://bsctoolz.io
Telegram Community: https://t.me/BSCToolzCommunity
Telegram Annoucements: https://t.me/BSCToolzNews
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BSCToolzApp